Therapeutic Philosophy
Therapeutic Philosophy
There are no ten commandments for therapeutic success. However, in an attempt to simplify an otherwise complicated process, I have reduced my observations from over 31 years of private practice down to 5 prominent principles that have brought success to my clients.
Five Personal Growth Principles Likely to Promote Rapid Progress
- Have a clear objective. The more specific your objective the easier it is to monitor your progress.
- Maintain a realistic expectation of the progress you desire. Eschew magic or grandiose thinking and you will insure personal growth and therapeutic success you can value.
- Be honest. Before you can succeed in personal growth you must first concede. Remember, you are often an accomplice to the wrong doing against you.
- Don’t wait for inspiration or motivation to start doing what you know you must. Inspiration and the motivation to continue is a reward or by product gained from doing what is right. Stop looking for motivation to stimulate or motivate you into action. Progress begets progress.
- Recognize the companion of your increased awareness is discomfort. The way out is the way through not around. It’s called growing pains for this reason. Discomfort is a signal that you are doing something that is unfamiliar not wrong. Learn to recognize growing pains for what they are.
Personal growth is a potentially powerful and delicate exercise worthy of your best efforts.